Glass Dimensions, Inc. - Heavy Glass Shower Enclosures, Store Fronts, Mirrors, Glass Partittions, Glass Table Tops
Heavy Glass Shower Enclosures Store Fronts Mirrors Glass Dividers Glass Tops
In-house fabrication In-house installation
In-house fabrication
In-house installation

The staff at Glass Dimensions:
  • started this company with the passion and goal to provide distinctive custom solutions which help clients achieve their optimum home or work environment.
  • are acknowledged in CHICAGO LAND as leaders in terms of quality, innovation, product value, and customer service in residential and commercial areas (heavy glass shower enclosures, store fronts, mirrors, glass table tops and related products).
  • provide complex, creative, seasoned professionals who get the job done right the first time.
  • create unique and fitting solutions.
  • feel it's important to create an environment which not only meet our client's needs but will withstand the test of time and be appropriate for years to come.
  • design clean and modern styles and the finished product always reflects the individuality of the client and the specific project goals.
  • are a solution oriented team in the way we approach our whole operation.
  • solve design issues.
  • develop solutions throughout the process.
  • work with contractors or customers to find the right approach.
  • achieve the best solutions possible because we encourage a team approach with our clients.
  • prefer to work closely with our clients, involving them and inviting their points of view.
  • encourage open communication, honesty and collaboration to insure that our clients will be satisfied with the end result.
  • take a fresh approach to each project and commit wholeheartedly to providing the best products for our clients.
  • strive to make the process rewarding for all involved.
  • deliver superior service to their customers which is hard to mach.
  • are often commended for their attentative client service which exceeds expectations.
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copyright 1992 Glass Dimensions, Inc. All rights reserved.

1942 N. 15th Ave., Melrose Park, IL. 60160 | Telephone 708.410.2503 | Fax 708.410.2309 | email

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